
4 billion tons of coal with excess capacity

Under the coal profits and massive investment stimulus, the national coal output more than 4 billion tons. Combined with the jinshaan MengNing main coal-producing provinces such as mine resource integration and technical reformation, and gradually entered the production 6" sch80 galvanized carbon steel pipe stage, formed a large reserve capacity, serious overcapacity problem.But is not willing to excess capacity in the industry to describe the coal industry status quo, replaced by "cyclical excess and advance the construction of a productivity". Since the "eleventh five year plan", the whole society of coal to complete 2.53 trillion yuan of investment in fixed assets, new capacity of about 2.4 billion tons.

But since last year, the domestic coal American carbon steel eccentric reducer investment began to decline. In the first half of this year, coal mining and washing industry investment in the mining industry is the only industry fell, fell 2.5% year on year. The first seven months of coal investment is still the continuation of the pattern of negative growth, fell 1.6% year on year, a drop.

Coal industry experts believe that did not see signs of improvement in the coal market in the short term, there was no coal shortage situation in the high temperature period this year.Coal industry 7D Butt Welded Bend Pipe fittings association predicts that in the third quarter and will remain a small increase in the second half of the coal demand, production capacity continues to release, the import increase, the market continued easing total supply and demand, structural surplus situation, the whole society inventories remain high, coal prices downward pressure is still there, heavy industry production capacity and inventory of tasks, enterprises will face greater difficulties.

In the long run, the eighteenth big report to the 2020 national GDP and income doubled, the support for the coal consumption play a role. "To the long-term development, the status of the coal as the main energy of our country is very difficult to change, coal industry still has a larger development space." Jiang Zhimin said.

