
Shale oil and gas production in the United States

The shale oil and gas production will break even since 2016, when the daily output will reach 500000 barrels of oil equivalent, 70% higher than the current capacity.More and more energy companies began to look at a lot of money into unconventional fields,high frequency electric resistance welded ASTM A106/A53/API 5L steel pipe especially in Texas, the state to the daily output is expected to double in 2016, to 200000 barrels of oil equivalent.
J.p. Morgan analyst, according to BHP billiton has done the best a Shale investment, is located in the southern Texas Eagle Ford Shale (Eagle Ford Shale), the latter is the company with the highest return on investment portfolio.In addition, BHP billiton look exactly the same Permian shale in Texas (product shale), plans to buy the latter half of the assets.
After the world's second largest mining company Rio Tinto (Rio Tinto) announced spending cuts, BHP billiton has also revealed that spending in 2014 to $16 billion this year on the basis of further cuts, about $22 billion last year.Rio tinto plans within the next two years, cut capital spending half, on the basis of $14 billion this year will be spending to $2014 in 11 billion, to $8 billion in 2015.